Where have I been?

Keeping the narrative of a comeback, I wanted to talk about first where I have been since the last published post on this blog. Well, I've really just been around. It's not that I relocated to some other planet. Let's just say I was in a creative slump, I did not have the inspiration (for [...]

Jo-Anne Journeys is taking flight, again!

And so my journey continues! It has been two uninteresting years since I last published something in this blog and finally after too many days of thinking whether or not to revive it - I decided to bring this passion project back to life, once more. It took a lot of persuading from people who [...]

Self Reinventing Project

It has been exactly three weeks since I left my job (of almost four years) at a whim without any concrete plans whatsoever about my future. When I decided to stop working, even I myself was quite skeptical about my reasons for doing so. I don't know, it felt like it was something that has [...]